Dear Future Love,

Let us have a wedding filled with yellow.
And ride around on a tandum bike.
Let us kiss like in the Notebook.
Let us go to a ballet, and hold hands the entire time.
Let us paint our house happy colors together
and have paint wars as we do.
Let us have garden outside
and occasionally let it die....
just for fun.
Let us play Boggle and Scrabble for hours on end.
Let us read in a hammock together.
Let us row boats.
Let us sleep out under the stars.
Let us spontaniously dance in the kitchen.
Let us make music together.
Let us fall asleep watching Pride and Prejudice and cuddling.
Let us sleep in often because we can.
let us be together forever.
Let us never be a apart.
Let us be in love.
Sound like a deal?
thanks. :)

Love Always,


Anonymous said...

Emma! That is so cute! I love reading your blog... it's so happy all the time! You're just precious! :)

larainydays said...

Ahh Emma. You are truly a romantic!

Kaitlyn said...

This is so cute!! love it!!