Oh, Summer.

Summer. Such a beautiful thing, and so surprisingly busy. Nannying has kept me busy and sleep deprived at times and family vacations have kept me entertained. Life has been moving on quickly but BYU is coming much too slow. 

Since I've been pretty M.I.A. since the end of June, here's what's happened. 

Cali's Birthday.
The young 'un finally turned 18! We celebrated by kidnapping her.
Dressed like this.
Then we took her to see that fabulous movie, Midnight in Paris, which I am absolutely in love with. All the 1920s culture and authors and artists mixed into Paris? Couldn't get much better.

We then re-bandannaed her and dropped her off with her quote on quote "friend boy" Tate Boy.

Happy Birthday, Clasta! Love ya tons!

My family spent the 4th in Utah. Going to the Oakley Rodeo made me really want to find myself a cowboy up at BYU. They're so darn attractive. We camped up the Ogden canyon and found snow! Yes, snow. I am going to die in Utah during the winter.

The most exciting thing of the summer happened on Thursday night. MY BROTHER GOT ENGAGED! So very happy for him! I adore Sarah and am beyond excited to have her as a sister. I FINALLY HAVE A SISTER. It's the best thing ever!

So very happy for them! 

I worked all last week but that did not deter my attendance to the final Harry Potter, although it almost did. I just worked with two hours of sleep. But let me tell you, I loved the movie and it was so woth two hours of sleep the next day. I cried through the entire movie. Especially Alan Rickman's performance. Heart-wrenching is the only way I can describe it. I love Snape. And I love Alan Rickman. And now all my Harry Potter watching combined with my watching of Pride and Prejudice has put me in a mood to read Harry Potter and Jane Austen and it is quite the odd combination. I don't know what to do about it. But I love Harry Potter so very much and cannot believe it is over... It took us about an hour to leave the theatre because that meant it was really over and none of us wanted it to be really over. It's kind of official now, my childhood is over.

But life is still wonderful.

Love always,

1 comment:

Kaitlyn said...

Emma, just wanted to tell you that you are gorgeous! I can't get over it. Okay bye!