14 Days of Love: Day 14

Well readers, today, as you must suspect, I love,

What a shocker,


So here's the thing; I could ramble on for hours about my love for love, but I actually have leaned something in these fourteen days: love is so much more than courtship and kissing. Love runs through everything we do: from school, to relationships, to friends, to how we spend our time. Love dwells in all aspects of life- it's something that we cannot leave behing or forget because it will always be surrounding us.

And the love that people posses for one another is powerful. I believe that true love will alter lives. And not just in the romantic sense. I can name numerous occasions when the love of  my best friend has helped me through tears of sorrow, or when love of a teacher has relieved the stress and anxiety of school, or when I glimpse a parent kneeling down next to their bed and I realize that they're probably praying for me. As humans, I believe that we have a natural tendency to love everyone around us; even if we believe that they have wronged us or that they are cruel we still, underneath all the negativity, have compassion, or love, for them.

That amazes me. It amazes me that a simple act of kindness can change your entire day around. It amazes me that love has the power to throw you into a state of something greater than happiness like pure bliss. It amazes me that love can endure through anything from fights, to broken hearts, and long distances. It amazes me that  little children have the greatest natural love for everyone. It amazes me that love knows no bounds.

I love that about love: no bounds.

So on this wonderful Valentine's Day, I love love.

Love always,

1 comment:

Kams said...

Well, i love you...so hah! :)