Father's Day 2012.

I wasn't going to post about Father's Day because every one's blog reads the same thing, but, I looked back in my history and realized I didn't do a Father's Day post last year and decided that I should probably make up for that this year. So, since that's the case....

That's my dad swinging on a vine in Hawaii. Which, moments after the picture, snapped and sent him skidding across the edge of the Road to Hana. He's a goof. Obviously. Probably one of the best things will be when we can compile all of his really weird/dorky photos and put them together in a slideshow for his 50th birthday... That'll be a good day.

I love my dad because he's not afraid of doing all those weird things. He's taught me to be myself and enjoy life because no one else can do those things for you. He's taught me that people will flock to you if you are kind and outgoing and fun. He's taught me that winning isn't everything and sometimes the losers make the better friends.  

My dad has never let me stop trying. He's the reason I'm out here in Orlando for the summer working for Disney, a dream he's know about since I first started dancing at Disneyland every year. He's the reason that I'm at BYU, and the reason why I'm not settling till I find my own perfect Mr. Darcy. He's the reason I have the strength to back away from situations that are not where I should be, and the standard to which I measure every guy.

My dad is my hero.
My dad is my protector.
My dad is my best friend,
and I could never express the depth of my love for him.

Happy Father's day, Dad!
I love you!

Love always,

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