Don't worry, be happy!

First, a very important matter must be addressed:
Dear Mr. West,
Please do not be sad! You should really not worry and be happy because in a month, you will be here! And even though you can't come sooner, I think a month will speed by pretty darn quick! So stop worrying and stop being sad please,just be happy! 143. :)
Always Yours,
Ms. Emma Karen Barton :)

Next, can we talk about the weather?! I about froze to death, it was so totally freezing here! Okay, so it was like...72 degrees but for living in Arizona, it's chilly chilly chilly! Or maybe I'm just a sissy when it comes to cold weather. I may die when I got to BYU for college. Oh dear. But I do love this weather cause it makes me want a nice warm cup of this -->
{don't worry, it's hot chocolate, I checked :)}

Secondly, I am copying E.S.P. and posting a poll to see what is interesting to all you stalkers out there.... so please vote! :) thank you dearies!

Thirdly, I do hope everyone had a wonderful Monday! I do love Mondays! Only four left!!! :) I cannot wait! Oh, and while I'm thinking about it, what do you guys think? Do you like the nicknames? Or should I just use real names? I'm all torn now cause I got some heat about it and now I don't know what to do! Cause I do love the nicknames but some people think they're stupid. :( But I guess it is my blog so it doesn't really matter, right? Hm...good point, self.

BTW, I REALLY want to see {this} movie and I love {this} song. They're wonderful. :)

Love Always,

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